August 15, 2011
From the pages of:
Carlton Pearson is a high profile religious leader, recording artist and political aspirant who is now entangled in a doctrinal controversy of his own creation. Previously deeply allied and involved in the Word of Faith Charismatic throng, he has alienated himself from many in that system, not by his rejection of the charismatic, but by his championing of a different gospel. This gospel is his own version of the "Wider Mercy Doctrine", Universalism or, as he terms it, the "Gospel of Inclusion."
Carlton Pearson seemed to take his associates by surprise, when he announced that he held to those views. Since his fellow charismatics do not normally teach such a deviant doctrine, at least not in such a blatant manner, either they would have to change their teaching in order to conform to his, or they would have to ignore his doctrine and accept him on the basis of being a charismatic, or they would have to disavow what he teaches. Many have preferred the latter course, including his friend, T.D. Jakes, who is no paragon of theological clarity himself. No stranger to deviant doctrines and outrageous claims by its own leadership, even Oral Roberts University, Carlton Pearson's alma mater, was forced to take action and removed him from its board of directors. Precipitating a large exodus from his church and a drop in attendance to his Azusa Conferences, Carlton Pearson brought to the forefront the deep roots of error that were the core of his theology which he inherited from his earliest memories. His core beliefs came out of the Church of God in Christ, and the charismatic nature of his faith along with the adoption of a belief in continuing revelation from God provided his foundation of sand, in which a true theology was non-existent and would eventually lead to error of the highest type of heresy.
A talented and gifted individual in communications, music and leadership, Carlton Pearson desires to be at the pinnacle and in the forefront of his endeavors. His personality is such that he aspires to leadership, control and autonomy in his actions. His gifts are not wrong in themselves and the use of them is a benefit to ministry, but when his gifts are connected with his self-centered desire for preeminence and his radically flawed theology, doctrinal tragedy can be the only result.
What is so controversial about his new gospel? It isn't new at all, since it is basic to the core belief of all Universalist believers. It is the adoption of a Universalist belief that is the difficulty and the core of the heresy. His beliefs are as follows:
From the pages of:
Carlton Pearson is a high profile religious leader, recording artist and political aspirant who is now entangled in a doctrinal controversy of his own creation. Previously deeply allied and involved in the Word of Faith Charismatic throng, he has alienated himself from many in that system, not by his rejection of the charismatic, but by his championing of a different gospel. This gospel is his own version of the "Wider Mercy Doctrine", Universalism or, as he terms it, the "Gospel of Inclusion."
Carlton Pearson seemed to take his associates by surprise, when he announced that he held to those views. Since his fellow charismatics do not normally teach such a deviant doctrine, at least not in such a blatant manner, either they would have to change their teaching in order to conform to his, or they would have to ignore his doctrine and accept him on the basis of being a charismatic, or they would have to disavow what he teaches. Many have preferred the latter course, including his friend, T.D. Jakes, who is no paragon of theological clarity himself. No stranger to deviant doctrines and outrageous claims by its own leadership, even Oral Roberts University, Carlton Pearson's alma mater, was forced to take action and removed him from its board of directors. Precipitating a large exodus from his church and a drop in attendance to his Azusa Conferences, Carlton Pearson brought to the forefront the deep roots of error that were the core of his theology which he inherited from his earliest memories. His core beliefs came out of the Church of God in Christ, and the charismatic nature of his faith along with the adoption of a belief in continuing revelation from God provided his foundation of sand, in which a true theology was non-existent and would eventually lead to error of the highest type of heresy.
A talented and gifted individual in communications, music and leadership, Carlton Pearson desires to be at the pinnacle and in the forefront of his endeavors. His personality is such that he aspires to leadership, control and autonomy in his actions. His gifts are not wrong in themselves and the use of them is a benefit to ministry, but when his gifts are connected with his self-centered desire for preeminence and his radically flawed theology, doctrinal tragedy can be the only result.
What is so controversial about his new gospel? It isn't new at all, since it is basic to the core belief of all Universalist believers. It is the adoption of a Universalist belief that is the difficulty and the core of the heresy. His beliefs are as follows:
A. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection paid the price for all of humanity to have eternal life in heaven, without any requirement to repent of sins and receive salvation.
B. Belief in Jesus Christ, is not necessary for a person to go to heaven. Salvation is unconditional, granted by the grace of God to every human being.
C. It is presumed that all of humanity will have its destiny in heaven, whether they realize it or not.
D. All of humanity will go to heaven regardless of their religious affiliation, including those who believe in false religions or adopt any other form of religious persuasion, or who have no religious persuasion.
E. Only those who have "tasted of the fruits" of real intimacy with Christ and have "intentionally and consciously rejected" the grace of God will spend eternity separated from God.
F. There are persons in some type of hell, but the emphasis is "to get away from the picture of an angry, intolerant God. I don't see God that bitter."